Monday, March 21, 2011

Big Brother Israel 3 Lihi leads the pack and sets the bar לי עוז האח הגדול

Aviram Lihi's ex grins wide as fortunes chest unhinges it would seem
Li Oz Cohen in his first round of interviews
Lihi gets ready for the last leg of the journey to a million shekels
As Lihi broadens her vivacious repertoire with sparked hopes of winning, love on the outside and overcoming all odds, she still looks in the mirror and sees beauty unhinged like a golden rim growing mountin bound on a california morning boulevard.

Lihi brought her style of L.A. to the livingrooms of israeli's and changed the tables of what was possible to this point in creating a bridge type personality speaking hebrish to the minds of regular folk. Her ocean pacific tonalities are engrained in the neuropathways of tweens to seniors with phrases like<" This is not okay." and "Guuuuuuuys". Since her eloquence was only matched by the big brother staff in their attempts to slow down the expletives gushing forth from her sunset boulevard at 4am afterparty brogue whipper, she had little competition from other English speaking kindred and so ruled the halls with a sixth grader vocabulary albeit adult para-phrasal prose.

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