Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Big Brother Israel 3 - Lihi's underwear draped all over the house practical joke - האח הגדול 3

Lioz had the great idea to surprise Lihi in the morning by featuring all her victoria secret underwear all over the dining room of the Big Brother Israel house.

Bed room of Big Brother Israel
Living Room Big Brother ISrael
The exit stairs and the door to talk to Big BRother
Jacuzzi and Backyard of Big BRother ISrael
Lihi took it like a good sport and her humour kicked in after finding her bras hanging from the ceiling and her panties stretched across the chandaliers. Looks like the rest f the guests are warming up to her and she is soon becoming the token american cuddly person at israeli parties that you wouldn't want to offend by not including them in all the jokes and inside scoops.

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