Saturday, February 5, 2011

Big Brother Israel Yoav Maor and Atay get voted off Lihi Shocked

Not surprisingly Yoav received some of the least votes and practically stormed out of the house angrily singing his self composed song full of indignant pride defiantly being himself and proving yet again that women aren't attracted to him and that essentially most people aren't impressed by him. Even though his accomplishments are many and his bank account full his insecurity shines through as his main medallion for any coffee table discussion in Israel. If this was BIg Brother USA undoubtedly he'd be a rapper by now.

Atay on the other hand was the surprize leaving his more popular better half to fend for herself among the ever increasing hostilities of the inner lair of big brother house guests. The Diva's are clashing and the plates are smashing. Yes there is forgiveness too but the red hot glow of temper is always seen around the corner as claustrophobia sets in daily and the personalities can't escape the confines of their race to a million shekels - 250,000 dollars - and their claim to fame waiting outside the sliding doors of the Big Brother exit.

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